Thursday, May 22, 2008

Races in Fargo

Sara, Jesse, Jace and I went to the races in Fargo last Friday night to watch my cousin Brock race.
The boys were pretty good but as you can see in the next pictures it didn't stay that way.

Jace, Mallori, Wyatt & Jesse this was the best group shot out of about 10 pictures!

It was lots of fun........Anyone want to join us this week! (Ha)

Brock took 1st place in his heat and feature race :) Good Job Brock!

The races were done fairly early so we decided to go in the pits to look at all the cars

Jace found Wade down in the pits and was so excited to see him!

Jace got to sit in Brock's race car and he thought it was pretty cool!

Jesse in Brock's car

Jesse, Jace & Sara by Myron's car
Jace got to sit in Myron's car too. He was flipping all kinds of switches and some lights came on in the car. He was laughing and told me he turned the heat on in the race car. He talked about it all week!

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