Tuesday, October 28, 2008

4th Annual Pumpkin Carving

We had our annual pumpkin carving at my aunt and uncles house last Saturday. The kids all brought their costumes and we tried to take some pictures.

Bodin was so scared of Jesse the Werewolf!

So we thought if he was on the other side it would be better. This pictures is so cute it looks like Jace is telling Bodin that it's OK don't be scared.

Jaxtin the Kangaroo, Caylie the Devil, Nevaeh the Poodle, Jesse the Werewolf, Jace the Cowboy and Bodin the Skunk

Little Jaxtin just hangin out, he was so good all day!

Before we started carving pumpkins we went to pick apples off Barb's tree.

We weren't tall enough to get the really big red ones so Christopher was bending the branch down to reach them.

I was helping Jesse use the apple picker and well it didn't quite work they way it should. The apple didn't fall in the picker~it landed on Christopher's head!

Let the carving begin...........

Amy, Sara and Jesse picking out what picture they wanted to carve

They kids usually start gutting the pumpkins and then the big kids finish them

My mom and Bodin took the easy way out and did Mr. Potato Head pumpkins

They turned out so cute!

The Final Pumpkins

This is the one I carved

My mom carved 3 dancing ghosts

This is the one Keisha and Nevaeh carved. We had a little dilemma with this one...after Keisha was done with it Bodin accidentally knocked it over from the table, it was in 5 pieces but a few toothpicks it was back to new.
Sara and Jesse's Skeleton
And the 3 howling wolves was Christopher's, Keisha declared him the winner!

1 comment:

James, Keisha, Nevaeh, Bodin, Jaxtin said...

I am glad to see you got a picture of Jaxtin that day. The only one of mine that he was in was the costume pictures. I love the apple picking picture of just the legs- too funny! (Can't you tell that I am busy packing for Kami's?!?! 3 more hours til we leave and I still have more laundry to do!!!) We might have to borrow a U-Haul trailer!